Amy Lemisch and Joe Chianese will discuss the history of tax incentives, where are the best programs and clarify the difference between tax rebates and tax credits.  They will also discuss the most popular domestic and international programs as well as why tax incentives are often called soft money or free money.   Joe would rather call it one of the essential pieces of the financing puzzle or a job creation act since incentives are responsible for multiple economic benefits.  Incentive programs are just like any relationship:  you are looking for long-term consistency and no risk.

You will be introduced to how shooting locations are chosen based on creative and financial considerations: crew base, stages, production centers, rebates, and incentives.  We look at why productions have chosen to film where they have and the pros and cons of shooting in different states and countries and hidden costs that the producing team should be aware of.   This is the perfect episode for the layman and the professional, as we learn to decipher how to find the right jurisdiction for your project and more importantly, the questions to ask on this dense and intense topic!